Wednesday 23 September 2009

Greetings from Guatemala. The Second and third semesters of school just ended. School was closed for a month so there has been a lot of catching up to do. We’re just now getting the report cards and so far everyone has passed but one. We celebrated with pizza, games and gifts those who had excellent grades of 80 and above. Two of the students in the 4th grade had marks of five 100’s and another in 6th grade had marks of three 100’s!

One young man who will complete Junior High (Basico) in October wants to attend Agriculture school for four years. He is a good student. His mother is a widow and there are three other siblings. His tuition and monthly needs will be far above the normal monthly school support. We pray we can get him three supporters. Please pray about helping him. His name is Kevin Aroch.

We also celebrated the children’s birthdays with cake and gifts.

“Dios es Nuestra Paz” Our Church, "God is our Peace".

Pastor Leonel has been visiting the families to get to know them better, pray for them and to encourage the husbands to attend church.

This month another man was murdered and left a pregnant wife with seven children. The men are at great risk and need the Lord.

We are now holding “family” services every third Sunday in the afternoon so the whole family can attend. Many of the men work Sunday morning. The first Sunday 5 men showed up and on the second occasion 8 men showed up. One man even came alone.
Please pray for the work of the church in this poor community.

This month two families were blessed with stoves. One stove was donated by Lorraine Speraw of Zion 3 church and was received by Aurelia, single mother of five children. The Bart Robey family of Park Valley church donated a stove to Josephina Carranza, mother of five. Pastor Leonel, Angel and Hugo installed the stoves.

The last two months we have been blessed to be able to give out bulk food to the people we serve. Here bulk food is called viveres which means basically food to live. We have given out beans, rice and corn to 53 families with 180 children!
We received a generous donation from First Baptist Church of Pimlico to be able to distribute viveres until the end of this year! This is a hard time for most families because the rains have been less so there is a great need and God has answered it.

Another month has come and gone. We had a pretty good month health wise. Angel had only a few small bouts of sickness. My lovely Aimee and my precious mom celebrated their 21st and 86th respectively. Angel passed his exams and is doing well in school.

Gloria’s, pregnant with her 8th child, husband was murdered this month. Alicia’s ankle was broken by her abusive husband. Another Gloria, a widow with three children, was diagnosed with cancer of the uterus and Maria Elena, whose husband was murdered last year, was considering suicide again.

All of these things happen in everyday life. A husband dies leaving young children, a wife lives with an abusive spouse, illness suddenly rears its ugly head and desperation and despair knocks at the door and we respond. But I have hope!

I am hopeful that with prayer support, visitation and helping with practical needs that Gloria will get through this difficult time.

I am hopeful because Alicia is a strong Christian woman who fasts and prays for her husband.

I am hopeful that the other Gloria’s operation was successful this month.

I am hopeful because Maria Elena accepted Christ as her Savior and now has everything she needs to live her life.

Our hope is in God and He has never failed us yet. Please remember these ladies in your prayers. Thank you for your support and for your prayers.

Love, Myra

Prayer Requests:
Joy in the journey
Good Health
Spiritual growth for Myra’s Children
Good relations with ministry team
Money for building
More visitors
More monthly support

Please send cash donations to:
3415 Fallstaff RD
Baltimore, MD 21215
Make checks payable to: WMOTW
PayPal is also another way to make donations

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