Sunday 10 January 2010


Myra ministering to Andrea in downtown Baltimore with Doxa Ministry

Sunday Morning with Pastor Leonel

Food, gifts and a pinata for Children 2-7 year of age for Christmas

Johana sharing the word, food, fellowship and gifts for the women for Christmas

A movie, popcorn and gifts for children in first grade and up for Christmas.

HAPPY NEW YEAR! Greetings from Guatemala. Its been a while. I’ve had serious computer problems but now am back stronger than ever.

Looking back we marvel at how much was accomplished during 2009. Twenty one stoves were installed from January through August. One hundred and sixty pairs of school shoes were given out in January. Thirteen blankets were donated locally for the families. Two latrines were installed. Four homes made of heavy plastic were recovered and one home was built from scratch. Two lean-twos were built to protect the stoves from the rain. A medical clinic was held. School material, uniforms and tennis were provided for the children attending school. Hot meals were provided for over 100 children three times a week. Beans, rice and corn were provided for 56 families for three months.

Men started to attend the church services under our new pastor Leonel Gomez. The people are growing in their relationship to the Lord. The children with excellent grades were rewarded with a movie and pizza. Every child received a gift for their birthdays.

We are so thankful for the financial help given to provide these services to the people. We are also thankful for those who came and helped build, paint, play and pray with and for the people in 2009.

Myra went to the states in late October to share the vision of the ministry. She was at Huber Church, Friendship Baptist, Hilton St Baptist, Mt Moriah Baptist church, Deeper Life Church, Park Valley Church of Va. and her home church of Immanuels Church. She saw many old friends and made some new ones while she was home. It was a great trip.

She also celebrated the 20 year anniversary of the ministry she founded - Watchmen On the Walls. There was a celebration given by the WMOTW board that highlighted some of the activities of the ministry. She is very proud of being a part of such a great group of people.

One of the most emotional parts of her visit was an opportunity to minister to street people along with Doxa Ministries in downtown Baltimore.

Pastor Leonel continued with the ministry of the church while Myra was gone. Two more persons accepted Christ!

He, Raquel, Gilma, Graciela, and Elsa kept the feeding program “Comedor de Paz” going as well.

We have much to be thankful for and much to look forward to in this New Year 2010.

I’d like to call this the year of the BUILDING!

We are currently meeting in my garage and the assembly has grown on average to 120 to 175 person three times a week for the feeding program. On Sundays over 40 small children are meeting in my kitchen. We need room!

The land is paid for and has been excavated to begin work on the subterranean level. We need people and money to go forward. If you ever thought of getting down and dirty for 7-10 days to help the poor in a practical way email me at or contact Kelly Schaeffer at

Park Valley Church of Va. will again be coming for their third year. A combined group of people from PA., Ohio and South Carolina as well as the youth of Doxa Ministry have already committed to come and lend a hand. You can make your own group or be a part of an already formed group.

As the year has come and gone we say goodbye to what was and hello to what is coming. We thank God for Venus Stewart who has been with WMOTW from the beginning as Secretary and so much more. We wish her the very best in the coming years with the many projects God has given her to lead. We thank Juanita Holland, another dear friend, for taking over the position of secretary. I am truly blessed to have such an excellent group of people on the board.

My trip home was wonderful to see my family and to share at several churches. I was encouraged and refreshed. I send a special thank you to Sandi McFadden who made my visit almost like a retreat!

Love, Myra