Wednesday 4 March 2009

The incomplete building

Francisco ministering to the men

Doris and her new stove

Children with new tennis and school supplies

Young ladies and Gilma at the sleepover

Ministering to the children and having fun too

Outdoor classroom for first grade


Ministerio Comedor y EducaciĆ³n de Paz, Chiquimula
The people walking in darkness have seen a great light Isaiah 9:2

Greetings from Guatemala… cold, windy blustery Guatemala. For a while there I thought I was back in the states because of the cold! In parts of Guatemala it was below zero!

We have officially named the ministry in Guatemala to reflect the work that is being done. The Guatemalan name for our ministry is Ministerio Comedor y Educacion de Paz, Chiquimula. It means it is a feeding program and education program with the emphasis on Peace. The name of the Guatemalan church also has the same emphasis. The church's name is Dios es Nuestra Paz (God is our Peace). We are still WMOTW for tax purposes and for the non-profit status. The name Watchmen On the Walls does not translate to a meaningful statement of the ministry in Guatemala.

Birth Announcement! Nathan has come. My Aimee gave birth on the 12th of February to her second son. He weighed 8 lbs and is gorgeous.

Angel is well. With Raquel on maternity leave, Erika stepped in as his tutor. He’s in the fifth grade and really struggles with focusing. He’s smart, especially in math but he’d rather play with the cat, watch action videos (although he loves Bambi 1 and 2), sleep in, eat everything in sight, and play with his toy soldiers. He’s a typical 11 year old. Please pray for me.

There is a new school in the colonial where most of the families we work with live. We visited them one day. What a walk. There are 87 students from grades kinder through 4th. There are four classrooms. There are two classes of first grade. Many older children ages 10-14 are studying for the first time.

We have a wonderful group of youth coming to help with the children at the comedor. They have broken them down by age into groups to share the word and play games. It’s been a bit crazy because space is limited in the garage, but fun for the children. Francisco also faithfully comes to help.

We had our first sleepover for 2009. Twenty one girls attended ages 10 through 15. We had a great meal of chicken Chow Mein, cake, bread and a drink. Afterwards we had a time of games and then a special gospel sharing by a youth from a local Guatemalan church. We had prayers, popcorn and a movie. All of the girls save two had accepted Christ before. One of those two made a first time commitment. Please pray for the other girl, Katerin, who said she was not ready.
We gave out tennis, book bags and school supplies this month. Thank God the government is helping some this year but more is needed. We are so thankful we could fill in the spaces where more help was needed. This also meant we could help more children.

So far this year we have given out four stoves. They use less wood, have a chimney that takes the smoke outside of the home and is high off of the ground away from animals. The latest stove given out this month was donated by Jerry and Daisy Hudson of Zion 3 church of Ohio. Doris and her four children were thrilled to receive the blessing of the stove.

Francisco had his monthly meeting with the men. Seven men showed up and he shared on relationships within the family especially with their wives. There is a lot of abuse here. After the sharing and prayer, the men ate a meal and sat around talking more. We are thankful for Francisco’s positive influence on these men who are not attending any church. This is their opportunity to hear about another way to live.

As time goes on things change but remain the same…new birth, death and taxes. We rejoice in all three. Each brings renewal. How? New birth brings a new life, death in Christ brings a new life eternal, taxes bring an opportunity to take care of here and now. We are so excited about new birth in the ministry, actually the rebirth of the building project that has been on hold for four years.

The month of March we plan to restart the construction. We are in the process of getting a new estimate based on the rise in the costs of construction and a new building plan. We plan to build a two story building to house the comedor (feeding program), church, medical clinic, computer lab, library, space for an after school program, English classes and much more. Please continue to pray as we look to begin again on the construction. Become a part of what we are doing here if you have not already and if you have thanks and keep it up. You are needed.

Thanks for your love, prayers and support.
Love, Myra

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