Tuesday 27 January 2009

Back on Track in Guatemala

8 year old Oscar with his new shoes and school supplies

Marco Tulio's first day of school

Yesterday we had a full day from 10:30 in the morning until 6 PM we were giving out school shoes. They were delivered about 7 am in the morning from the factory where they were made. We canceled the feeding program because we knew the garage would be very congested and it was. Pregnant Raquel, her mother, Gilma and myself were busy comparing lists with shoe sizes and with actual feet which didn't always match... but we made it through.

This morning a few more stragglers showed up and Marco Tulio came by to get his bus fare. Marcos is nearly 16 and in the 2nd grade. He's a bright mischievous young man who lives with his lovely mother Alicia and his abusive father Jose. Lets pray that he can get through this year and continue to study.

After Marcos left for his first day at school, four little boys came by, only one of whom was going to study. That happens so often, some children will not study and their parents will not encourage them. Oscar is in the 2nd grade, is well spoken and even said thank you when he left with his new pair of shoes.

The day is just beginning and I know more children will be coming by but what a good beginning to see one older child with potential starting a new year of studies and another younger also with potential on the same road and both with a chance to succeed.

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